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2012.12.30. 19:00 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [8]

YOUSUF KARSH: Winston Churchill 1941 “When I am with a camera, I feel I am the most important person in the world,” says Yousuf Karsh, describing his first encounter with Winston Churchill, on December 30, 1941. Leaving the floor after addressing Canada’s Parliament, Churchill was surprised…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:10 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [1]

ALEXANDER GARDNER Abraham Lincoln 1863 national portrait gallery, washington, dc hands: ann shumard, 10.1 5.92 Új sorozat indul, ismert képek negatívjai. Találtam egy oldalt, 18 képről írnak, tehát sokáig lesz napi egy érdekes bejegyzés. A végén elárulom a forrást. Akit nagyon…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:09 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [2]

MARGARET BOURKE-WHITE Buchenwald 1945 time-life lab, new york city hands: john loengard, 3.4.92 hands: ann shumard, 10.1 5.92 “The sights I have just seen are so unbelievable that I don’t think I’ll believe them myself until I’ve seen the photographs,” Margaret Bourke-White wrote in the…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:07 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [3]

Even before Richard Avedon started his project In the American West in 1979, he planned to photograph a man covered with bees. He advertised for a subject, and found Ronald Fischer, a Chicago banker and amateur beekeeper. After queen-bee pheromone was applied to his skin (to attract drones), the…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:06 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [4]

EDWARD WESTON Pepper #35p 1930   A week after his friend Sonya Noskowiak brought Edward Weston a pepper from the market in Carmel, California, Weston wrote in his diary that it was beginning “to show the strain and tonight should grace a salad.” He changed his dinner menu, however, and…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:04 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [5]

WALKER EVANS Photographer’s Window Display Sometimes Walker Evans would cut up his negatives to indicate the cropping he intended. Other times he did so simply to fit part of an 8 x 10 inch negative into his 5 x 7 inch enlarger. “Stieglitz wouldn’t cut a quarter-inch off a frame,” he said.…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:03 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [6]

IMOGEN Cunningham, Magnolia Blossom 1925 Oakland, Kalifornia   Imogen Cunningham [1] [2] [3] educated herself about plants and flowers after she began to photograph cacti and other succulents in her backyard in Oakland, California. “Her Magnolia Blossom is great, but she made a…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:01 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [7]

MAN RAY Femme avec Longs Cheveux circa 1929, paris Man Ray, born Emmanuel Radnitsky in Philadelphia, once said his work was “designed to amuse, bewilder, annoy or inspire reflection, but not to arouse admiration for any technical excellence usually sought in works of art. The streets are full of…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.11.24. 21:00 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [8]

YOUSUF KARSH: Winston Churchill 1941 “When I am with a camera, I feel I am the most important person in the world,” says Yousuf Karsh, describing his first encounter with Winston Churchill, on December 30, 1941. Leaving the floor after addressing Canada’s Parliament, Churchill was surprised…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2012.01.15. 22:00 Romanee Conti

Karácsonyi Kertész [17]*

André Kertész: Satiric Dancer, 1926 Találtam egy fényképet, ezek szerint 9x12-es üvegnegatívra készült a kép (a második a valós, a harmadik láttatja a pozitív képet).

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Címkék: napikertész ikonikus képek negatívban

2011.08.22. 00:05 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [5]

HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON Behind the Gare St.Lazare 1932 Paris Actually, I asked Henri Cartier-Bresson to let me photograph another negative showing two prostitutes in Mexico City. They lean through openings in their crib doors. The print is often published. “Oh, no! No! No! Think of their feelings!…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2011.08.04. 09:39 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [9]

HARRY CALLAHAN: Aix-en-Provence 1958 “In 1956 I received a $10,000 grant from the Graham Foundation. It was really meant for architects, but none of them could leave their practice and take a year off. I took all my gear and went to Aix-en-Provence,” says Harry Callahan, describing his leave of…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

2011.01.01. 08:47 Romanee Conti

Ikonikus képek negatívban [5]

HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON Behind the Gare St.Lazare 1932 Paris Actually, I asked Henri Cartier-Bresson to let me photograph another negative showing two prostitutes in Mexico City. They lean through openings in their crib doors. The print is often published. “Oh, no! No! No! Think of their feelings!…

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Címkék: ikonikus képek negatívban

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