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2013.04.27. 21:00 Romanee Conti

TALKING HEADS once in a lifetime

Néha eszembe jut ikonikus videó, és beteszem. Na, ez az. (1985)

...és a clip

Azt tudni kell, hogy ez még a történelem előtti korszakban készült,
amikor az alkotók a videó formanyelvét keresték.

Talking Heads
Once in a Lifetime (1984)
Once In A Lifetime

And You May Find Yourself Living In A Shotgun Shack
And You May Find Yourself In Another Part Of The World
And You May Find Yourself Behind The Wheel Of A Large Automobile
And You May Find Yourself In A Beautiful House, With A Beautiful
And You May Ask Yourself-Well...How Did I Get Here?

Letting The Days Go By/Let The Water Hold Me Down
Letting The Days Go By/Water Flowing Underground
Into The Blue Again/After The Money's Gone
Once In A Lifetime/Water Flowing Underground.

And You May Ask Yourself
How Do I Work This?
And You May Ask Yourself
Where Is That Large Automobile?
And You May Tell Yourself
This Is Not My Beautiful House!
And You May Tell Yourself
This Is Not My Beautiful Wife!

Letting The Days Go By/Let The Water Hold Me Down
Letting The Days Go By/Water Flowing Underground
Into The Blue Again/After The Money's Gone
Once In A Lifetime/Water Flowing Underground.

Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...
Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...
Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...

Water Dissolving...And Water Removing
There Is Water At The Bottom Of The Ocean
Carry The Water At The Bottom Of The Ocean
Remove The Water At The Bottom Of The Ocean!

Letting The Days Go By/Let The Water Hold Me Down
Letting The Days Go By/Water Flowing Underground
Into The Blue Again/In The Silent Water
Under The Rocks And Stones/There Is Water Underground.

Letting The Days Go By/Let The Water Hold Me Down
Letting The Days Go By/Water Flowing Underground
Into The Blue Again/After The Money's Gone
Once In A Lifetime/Water Flowing Underground.

And You May Ask Yourself
What Is That Beautiful House?
And You May Ask Yourself
Where Does That Highway Go?
And You May Ask Yourself
Am I Right?...Am I Wrong?
And You May Tell Yourself

Letting The Days Go By/Let The Water Hold Me Down
Letting The Days Go By/Water Flowing Underground
Into The Blue Again/In The Silent Water
Under The Rocks And Stones/There Is Water Underground.

Letting The Days Go By/Let The Water Hold Me Down
Letting The Days Go By/Water Flowing Underground
Into The Blue Again/After The Money's Gone
Once In A Lifetime/Water Flowing Underground.

Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...
Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...
Same As It Ever Was...Same As It Ever Was...

3 komment


A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

prepara 2011.10.27. 08:55:33

Nekem is nagy kedvencem, az első videó egy részlet az 1984-ben, Jonathan Demme (Philadelphia, A bárányok hallgatnak) által rendezett másfél órás koncertfilmjükből (Stop Making Sense). Legutóbb 2009-ben járt Bp-en David Byrne és még mindig a régi:-)
süti beállítások módosítása