Igen, ez a legnagyobb fényerejű Nikon objektív. Ha valaki PONTOSAN érti ezt a szöveget, ossza meg velem!
Nikkor Lens for Fluorescent Screen Picture The TV-Nikkor 35mm F0.9 is a lens for an indirect taking a picture of the X-ray fluoroscopy. This lens is used to take a picture of the image made from X-rays on a fluorescent screen with the film or the camera tube. Recently, we became possible to improve the brightness of the image of a fluorescent screen by using the amplifier tube called image intensifier. The image obtained with this amplifier tube is small.Therefore, we do the expansion image to the television by the relay lens system, or are recording the image to the movie camera. Moreover, this lens is suitable to take a picture of a dark subject and the phenomenon which changes in the high speed extremely even if it is bright. In addition, because this lens is designed for the short distance, you can obtain a good result of super macro photograph.
I want to show you the specification of the TV-Nikkor 35mm F0.9 lens. The TV-Nikkor 35mm F0.9 consisted of eight elements set in a black painted barrel with L39mm screw thread. The rim of the lens is engraved as "TV-NIKKOR" with white character. The TV-Nikkor 35mm F0.9 used 52mm accessories. A Nikon 52mm filter, for example, a Nikon 52mm L37C filter is just fit to her. You can see very beautiful and mysterious "Edo purple" coating on the lens.
TV-Nikkor 35mm F0.9
Focal length 36.0mm
Max. aperture f/0.9
Min. aperture f/16
Lens construction 8 elements, 7 groups
Corrected chromatic aberration range 400 - 650 nm
Vignettings 0 %
Image size 12.6 mm dia.
Weight 270g
Ezt az objektívet is a RED BOOK NIKKOR oldalon találtam, el lehet csemegézni egy kis időt azt hiszem!
ElPadre 2010.07.11. 11:59:27
ElPadre 2010.07.11. 12:08:11