Cosina has announced the Voigtländer-branded Apo-Lanthar 90mm F3.5 SL II close focus lens for Canon, Nikon and Pentax mounts. Maintaining the same 50cm minimum focusing distance and optical construction of the previous, SL version, the lens has been redesigned with a smaller body. Additionally, by mounting the included close up lens, its closest focusing distance can be reduced down to 32cm, giving a magnification ratio of 1:1.8. Priced at ¥58,000 (~ US $645) for the Canon EF mount and ¥55,000 (~ US $610) for the Nikon Ai-S mount and Pentax KA mount, it will be available in Japan from early March 2010. Forrás:
Ez az objektív az 2002-ben bemutatott 90/3.5 APO-Lanthar utódja. Hasonló paraméterekkel: 6 lencsetag 5 csoportban, 9 nyílású rekesz, a legkisebb nyílású f/22, közelpontja 50 cm melynél 1:3,5 leképezési arányra képes, a szűrő mérete 49 mm, súlya 390 grams, 63.5mm átmérőjű, és hossza 57,6 mm.
Pítörke 2010.02.18. 14:21:36
Romanee Conti 2010.02.18. 15:17:34
Romanee Conti 2010.02.22. 07:51:23
Pítörke 2010.02.23. 02:51:41
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